Twisted Fate Read online

Page 11

  The attendant quickly walks away leaving Tristan and I to ourselves.

  He swallows hard before he takes a deep breath. “Why aren't we moving Dev? What did you do?”

  “I paid the attendant 50 bucks to walk away and leave us at the very top until the park closes.”

  His eyes shoot flames at me as he leans back against the cart.

  “Thanks a lot Dev. You know...I apologize to you. I confess my love for you. Then, I surprise you by taking you to spend a nice day with your friends at a theme park and ask you to move in with me- and this is how you repay me.”

  I start giggling until I realize. Did Tristan just say that he loved me?

  “You love me?” I whisper.

  “ you caught that then, huh?”

  “Tristan. I didn't bring you up here to upset you. I brought you up here because I wanted to help you get over your fear.”

  “I told you Dev. I'm not afraid. I just don't like heights.”

  I kneel down in front of him and strip off his sweatshirt and my t-shirt.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just trust me...and don't you dare close your eyes,” I whisper, as I pull down the zipper to his jeans.

  I give him a sexy smile as I lower my head on his lap. I pull him out and take him in my mouth.

  “I really need to trust you more often,” Tristan says as I open my mouth wider and take him in even deeper.

  I cup his balls as I lick the pearlescent drop of precum from his tip while he groans.

  “Fuck…I need to be inside you right fucking now Dev,” he growls.

  He reaches for my wrists and pulls me up. Before I can protest, he tears my jeans off and enters me in one swift motion as I scream out in pleasure.

  Leave it to him to turn the tables around.

  “I wanted to help you get over your fear Tristan. I was trying to do something special for you,” I say as I wrap my legs around him.

  He draws in a ragged breath. “You did baby...believe me. You’ve changed my life.”

  He then fastens his hands on my hips as he plows into me savagely.

  He slams into me so hard that we begin rocking the entire cart.

  “Holy shit Tristan...I'm gonna come,” I moan, as he brushes his knuckle along my bundle of nerves.

  I writhe my hips against him as he nibbles on my neck.

  “So I take it you're not scared anymore?” I breathe, as the first wave of my climax erupts.

  He pulls my hair and meets my eyes. “I'm terrified...but it has nothing to do with heights now,” he says as he pulls me into a kiss so intense I begin to shiver all over again.

  I cry out his name as I clamp my walls around his length and we convulse against one another.

  His hand gently grazes my back as I put my head on his shoulder. “Move in with me,” he whispers.

  Just as I’m about to respond...we begin moving.

  We quickly scramble for our clothes...but we aren’t fast enough.

  “That's one hell of an anniversary present,” the attendant says as Tristan holds me against his chest.

  Chapter 24

  “So are you going to move in with him?” Aaron asks me as I try on another dress.

  Another week had gone by and I still wasn't any closer to making a decision.

  Thankfully, Tristan stopped pushing the issue.

  I look in the mirror. “I don't know.”

  “Well, what is your heart telling you?”

  I close my eyes. I knew what my heart was my mind that kept getting in the way.

  I shrug. “I think I found the dress, what do you think Aaron?”

  “I think it's perfect. Now answer the question.”

  “What question?” Nathaniel asks as he walks in the room.

  “Prince Charming wants Dev to move in with her, but she still hasn't given him an answer yet.”

  Nathaniel scrunches his face. “I think it's a horrible idea. You've only known each other a few months.”

  Geez...judgmental much?

  Aaron opens his mouth to protest, but I cut him off.

  “I know we haven't known each other long, but we have this amazing connection Nathaniel. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I understand your concerns, but you have no idea what my heart feels for him... what I feel for him. I want to be with him. I want to move in with him," I say as Aaron and Nathaniel both grin from ear to ear.

  Shit. I just fell for that trap- hook, line, and sinker.

  “Looks like you've made your decision,” Nathaniel says as he gives my shoulder a squeeze.

  I smile as I look down at my phone.

  Tristan: It's awfully lonely in this bed all by myself beautiful. Come home to me.

  Dev: Sorry, I had to pick out a dress for the art show next week. By the way...I received my birth control shot. No more accidents like what happened on the ferris'll be able to have me whenever you want for the next 3 months straight.

  Tristan: I plan on having you whenever I want for a hell of a lot longer then three months baby. I want you forever. Now come home so I can show you.

  Dev: I'll be home in a little while Mr. Impatient. If you fall asleep I'll wake you up ;)

  Tristan: You have no idea how incredibly horny you've just made me by telling me you're coming home. Can't wait to see you. I'll keep your spot in our bed warm.

  I quickly take the dress off and put my regular clothes back on. “Sorry guys, I have to go.”

  “Mhhh. I see how it is. Tall, dark and gorgeous beckons you and you go running,” Aaron says with a chuckle.


  “I'm sorry. It's not like that. I can stay...”

  “Dev, I was just kidding silly. Go home to your man. Call me tomorrow.”

  I hug them both goodbye before I leave to go home.


  For once in my life...I had everything I could ever want.

  I've never been happier.

  I finally knew exactly who I was and where I belong.

  Chapter 25 (Past)

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Alex asked as he set a blanket down on the dock.

  I was finally ready. The night was perfect.

  “Yes Alex, I'm ready. I love you.”

  “I just don't want you doing this because you know I'm leaving,” he said as he brushed his hand along my cheek.

  I closed my eyes. The thought of him leaving was too painful.

  We only had another day left with one another.

  I laid down on the blanket. “Alex, I want you to be my only.”

  “We'll find our way back to each other. I love you Bonita...para siempre,” he whispered, as he pulled my shorts down.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Forever,” he said as he entered me.

  I inhaled and waited for the pain to subside.

  “I want to go with you Alex.”

  “I don't know Dev. You're still only 16. You would have to be in hiding for another year or so,” he said as he stilled himself.

  A single tear rolled down my cheek. “I get it's fine. You don't want me to come with you.”

  “No bonita, I do. Believe me...I just want to make sure that it's really what you want.”

  “I want you Alex. I love you. I want to be with you...para siempre,” I moaned as he began thrusting inside me slowly.

  “Tú eres la más hermosa venganza,” he sighed as his body began to spasm against mine.

  “What does that mean Alex?” I asked, as I rested my head against his chest.

  “You're the most beautiful gift,” he said as he held me in his arms and I fell asleep.


  “Are you sure you really want this?” Alex asked, as I finished packing the rest of my stuff.

  We were planning on sneaking away in the middle of the night.

  I turned to face him. “I've never been more sure about anything in my whole entire life."

  He smiled before he kissed me. “Okay, I'm going to pack the car up. Mrs. Potts is still asleep, so now is the time we have to go,” he said as he picked up my suitcase.

  I nodded my head as he walked out the door.

  A few moments later Mrs. Potts walked in my room looking visibly frightened.

  “I know what you're doing Devonna. I can't let you leave, I'm sorry. I know you think that you love Alex but there's something you don't know," she said, her voice was so low I could barely hear her.

  I opened my mouth to ask her what she was talking about but Alex entered the room then.

  “Look Mrs. Potts, Dev and I appreciate all that you've done for us, but we're in love. She's coming with me. I suggest you stop interfering."

  Mrs. Potts quickly nodded and left the room.

  “Alex, what's going on?”

  “Nothing Bonita, she's just nervous that the state is going to turn her in if they find out that you left before you turned 18. I promised her that wouldn't happen though."

  “Then what was the point of trying to sneak out in the middle of the night if you already talked to Mrs. Potts about it?"

  He walked over to me and cupped my face in his hands.

  “Look, we don't have a lot of time and I really need to get out of here. I understand if you're having second thoughts and you want to stay. Like I told you last night...we will find one another again. Para siempre...remember?"

  “I remember Alex. I want to go with you.”

  “Then let's go,” he said as he held out his hand to me.


  “Alex we've been driving for hours...where exactly are we going?”

  “We're meeting my brother in Texas first. Then we're crossing the border.”

  I stared at him wide-eyed.

  “You have a brother? We're going to Mexico? You never said anything about this before.”

  “I have two brothers actually...I'm the youngest. My middle brother is only my half-brother though...he's actually only a year older then I am. He was kidnapped when he was a baby. No one has seen him or his puta mother since. However, my older brother is my full blood brother...he's 12 years older then I am. He's gonna help us escape.”

  I couldn't believe what I was hearing...he never really talked about his family. The only thing that he ever said was that his father was in jail and his mother was a heroin addict.

  “Wow,” was my only reply.

  He smiled, reached over and squeezed my hand.

  “I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier Bonita...forgive me?” he asked, as he stuck out his bottom lip and frowned like a puppy dog.

  I shook my head and smiled. “I could never be mad at you Alex. I just wish you told me sooner."

  “I love you Dev...we're going to have a great life together, I promise.”

  I leaned my head against the seat and smiled as I closed my eyes.


  Hours later we finally reached our destination. The sun had begun to set and I took in my surroundings.

  “So this is where your brother lives?” I asked, failing to hide my confusion.

  We were in the middle of nowhere. There wasn't anything but an old run-down rickety house in front of us.

  “Yeah, but we're only staying here for the night though. Trust me, the place in Mexico is a hell of a lot nicer. It's a mansion," he said as he raised the hood of the trunk and took my suitcase out.

  I arched my brow. “A mansion? Is your family royalty or something? Why were you in the system? I thought your father was in jail?"

  He laughed. “So many questions Bonita. My father's not in jail. And to answer your other question...yes my family, or father is considered royalty. Let's just say that I come from a very influential that you're going to be apart of," he said as he took my hand and led me inside.

  I couldn't stop the twinge of nervousness that crept up my spine. I tried to stuff it down while reminding myself that this was Alex.

  Alex loved me and he would never hurt me.

  “This is my brother Diego,” Alex said as some huge guy wearing a wife beater held his hand out to me.

  The guy looked scary as all hell.

  He actually looked a little like Alex...with the exception of deep blue eyes. His blue eyes seemed to be his only friendly feature. The rest of him was covered head to toe in dark black ink and scars.

  He looked like he was apart of some kind of street gang.

  I swallowed hard as I shook his hand apprehensively.

  “Buen trabajo Alexandro. Didn't think you could pull it off. Padre will be orgulloso,” he said as Alex gave him a look laced with malice.

  I felt my stomach drop then.

  “What is he talking about Alex?”

  “Nothing Bonita...everything is fine. Just try and relax.”

  I took a deep breath as Diego finally let go of my hand.

  “Stop freaking her out Diego. You're making her nervous,” Alex snapped as he walked in front of me protectively.

  “Lo siento. My apologies Devonna. Come, let's have a drink...shall we?” Diego said as he ushered us into what looked like a living room of some sort.

  There was a single ratty couch and a coffee table.

  Besides that, the house was completely barren.

  “How does he know my full name Alex?” I whispered as I hid behind him.

  “I told him Bonita. He is my brother you know.”

  Diego poured Tequila into three shot glasses and handed one to each of us.

  “I'm sorry, I'm not old enough,” I said as I handed mine back to him.

  He chuckled. “So well as bonita. You're a lucky man Alexandro," he said as he and Alex downed their drinks.

  “Take the drink need to relax a little,” Alex whispered as he nudged me toward my glass.

  I picked up the glass and drank.

  “So you both must be tired. Your room is prepared down in the basement,” Diego said as he opened a door.

  Alex took my hand and we walked down the stairs.

  I breathed a sigh of relief that the only thing downstairs was a regular bed along with sheets.

  I changed and slipped into bed next to Alex.

  The shot of tequila must have hit me hard because I had fallen asleep only moments later.


  I woke up in pitch black. I reached out next to me for Alex but he wasn't there.

  A rush of fear hit me and I jumped out of the bed.

  I crept up the stairs as quietly as I could...that's when I heard them.

  “Does Padre know we're coming?” Alex asked.

  “No, I didn't tell him yet. I wanted to make sure you were actually able to get her here safely before I got his hopes up. You know how his temper is. You know what he'll do to us if we promise him something and we don't deliver," Diego whispered.

  “Yeah, smart move. What about him...what if he finds us? I'm surprised he hasn't hunted us down yet. This has all gone a little too smoothly," Alex said.

  “I take it you haven't heard then. While you've been gone for the last three months, Padre's been busy. Our long lost brother has recently come home. Fortunately for us, Mr. Wise Guy is so preoccupied with trying to rescue our brother...he doesn't have his full attention on her. We couldn't have picked a better time to do this. Now, did you take care of the old lady?” Diego asked.

  “Mira..keep your voice down. Dev's still sleeping. And yeah, Mrs. Potts is taken care of. I slipped something into her tea. She'll go peacefully. They'll never suspect a thing," Alex answered.

  Oh my god. This can't be happening. I need to get the hell out of here.

  I looked around the basement. There weren't any windows. I was trapped.

  No escape...nothing.

  I turned around and started walking down the stairs.

  That's when the door opened.

  “Bonita...I thought you were sleeping?”

“I. Um...I woke up,” I sputtered.

  “Dev are you okay? What's the matter?” Alex asked.

  I took another step down the stairs as Diego opened the door.

  “Mira, fuck...she heard us,” he screamed.

  I ran back down the stairs and tried to look for a weapon.

  There weren't any...of course.

  “Go back upstairs Diego. You're scaring her,” Alex yelled as he focused his attention on me.

  “Who the fuck cares. She'll be dead soon. Shit Alexandro, don't tell me you went and caught actual feelings for the puta," Diego roared as he ran down the stairs.

  Oh fuck, this was all a set up of some sort...but why? None of this makes any sense. This has to be some kind of mistake.

  I screamed and tried to run back up the stairs but Diego grabbed me.

  “Way to go just fucked everything up idiota! How the fuck are we going to get her across the fucking border if she's kicking and screaming? I told you to let me handle it. I should have just done this whole thing myself," Alex screamed as Diego tied me up to a big pillar in the basement.

  “We'll figure it out. We'll slip her something and hide her somewhere in the car while we cross the border. Fuck...I don't know. Padre will take care of it once we tell him that we have her...that's what's important," Diego said as he took out a gun from his pocket.

  Panic shot through me and I screamed again.

  “How could you do this to me Alex? I thought you loved me.”

  Alex looked at me with a pained expression. “I do Bonita. Look, you just have to trust me. I'm going to figure a way out of this...I promise.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? You think Padre's just going to let her go once he finds out about her? She knows where the money is...she has to know. He's never going to let her go, you know that as well as I do,” Diego bellowed as he hit me across the face with his gun.

  I cried out in pain and tried to kick him, but he backed away instantly.

  “Stop hurting her Diego. She didn't do anything to deserve this. Your hunch may be wrong after all. I'm going to talk to Padre. After he gets the money, I'm going to convince him not to hurt her. She's innocent. None of this is her fault. Besides, he has our brother back now...there's nothing for him to try and seek revenge over anymore."