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Twisted Fate Page 3
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Page 3
I take my stethoscope out and listen to his vitals.
Thankfully he’s still stable for the moment.
“Shit. I'll be right back. Don't leave this room. Please,” he says.
I see the light from his cell phone move across the room before hearing the door close behind him.
“Okay, Mr. Blake. Everything will be fine. You just keep hanging on. You're doing great. Just stay with me," I whisper as I pat his hand.
I rest my stethoscope against his chest and listen to every single breath he takes as I continue to monitor his pulse.
Sometime later, I hear the sound of a door opening and see the silhouette of a tall dark figure walk in.
“How is he doing?” Tristan asks.
“So far, he's okay. I'm worried though. I don't know how much longer he'll remain stable if the power doesn't return soon. You should have brought a doctor in with you."
“They're busy with patients who have started to code. The only unit that has power is the Nursery. Something happened to the backup generators. They blew a fuse or something. The electricians are trying to figure it out now. The doctors are taking the most critical patients from ICU and attempting to transfer them over to the nursery. Unfortunately, the elevators are out of service and the Nursery is three floors up. I also called over to other hospitals, but its actually more dangerous to have the patients transferred via ambulance with three feet of snow outside. They haven't even started plowing yet because it just keeps falling. No one expected the storm to be this bad. Especially now. It's a fucking disaster,” he says as I hear him sit down on the big chair beside me.
“Okay. I'm going to see if there is another nurse who can switch with me. Your father needs an ICU expert. That is not me. You've put your father in an unsafe position by pulling me off my unit and bringing me here. I have to make this right," I huff.
I take a few steps forward and feel around for the door.
“You can't leave. There is no one else. All the nurses on the ICU unit are busy helping the doctors with the patients who are coding. The other nurses are helping to transfer patients. I tried to see if I could make a switch, but I can't. Not now at least. You're stuck," he grumbles.
I'm stuck with an arrogant bully and his CEO father for god only knows how long.
I continue listening to Mr. Blake's breathing with my stethoscope while I monitor his pulse.
It was the only thing I could do at that point.
“How is he doing now?” Tristan asks after what felt like hours had gone by.
“He's still stable.”
“Then why are you continuing to hover over him? I mean, is that really necessary?”
“Yup. Normally, I would check his vitals every 15-30 minutes. However, I would also be able to depend on the machines to beep and let me know if something was wrong. Clearly, I can't do that now though."
“You're going to burn out. Just relax for a little while. You've been standing over him for the last three hours."
“Tristan you are not a doctor...or a nurse. Don't tell me what to do.”
He reaches for me and wraps his hands around my waist.
The movement sends a jolt of desire as well as frustration right through me.
This man clearly has no sense of personal boundaries.
“You know, technically I am your boss right now. So, I have every right to tell you what to do. Now...take a break,” he growls as he drags me over to the other side of the room.
“You're crazy...you know that?” I bite as I sink down in a chair.
I hear him chuckle as he sits down beside me on the floor.
“You're going to ruin your suit,” I scoff.
“You know, I find it rather odd that you think I'm crazy...given your behavior last night.”
That's it.
I stand up and stomp my foot on the ground.
Why does he insist on going above and beyond to get a rise out of me?
Time to shut him up once and for all.
“Fine. You win Mr. Bigshot. You caught me at a really vulnerable moment. Yesterday was awful for me...for reason's that I care not to discuss. A part of me did think about jumping, but I decided not to. And before you gas your head up even more - I assure you that my reasons for not jumping, had absolutely nothing to do with you. So, if you want to continue to torture me about it...then go right ahead. I've been through much worse.”
I lean against the wall and close my eyes as I hear him stand up.
“I'm sorry. It was never my intention to upset you. I just wanted to get to know you. For what it's worth, I'm glad you decided not to jump...whatever your reasons may have been."
His apology seems sincere. It’s the last thing I expect from him.
“Have you ever felt like you were just going through the motions of life, but you didn't actually feel anything? Did you ever feel like you just didn't know who you were? Or what the hell you were even doing with your life?"
Shit...did I really just ask him that?
Thank god the lights are still out.
There's no way I would be able to face him ever again now.
I need to shut my mouth before I started divulging other things to him...things that I've never told other soul.
“Yeah, I have actually. I thought I was going to end up becoming someone else entirely. That was the plan. It's not what I wanted though. That's why I chose a different path.”
That's weird. Was he actually letting his guard down with me?
“So what do you do Tristan?”
Something peculiar flashes across his face before he answers. “I work in investment trading.”
Yup. It all makes sense now.
“You work on wall street don't you?” I ask.
“I do have an office on wall street, but I’m out of town frequently on business as well.”
“That makes sense. The arrogant and cocky behavior. The suit. The manhandling.”
He laughs as he takes a step closer to me.
I try not to breathe him in. His seductive, almost spicy, with a touch of earthy scent was beginning to make my mouth water.
I need to get a grip. This was wrong in so many ways.
“I need to get back to checking on your father,” I say as I walk over to Mr. Blake.
Luckily his vitals were still stable.
However, he needed to be re-positioned.
I would have attempted to do it myself, but due to the blackout it wouldn't be very safe.
I have no choice but to bite the bullet and ask for his help. “Can you help me Tristan? I need to move your father but I can't really see anything.”
To my astonishment, Tristan doesn’t protest.
In fact, he seems to know exactly what to do and how to do it.
That’s unexpected.
I decide to check Mr. Blake's catheter bag. It needed to be replaced.
Before I could even ask, Tristan shines the light from his cell phone for me and I finish moments later.
“You know...you're pretty helpful when you want to be. How do you know about the maneuvers of re-positioning? Who taught you that?" I ask, as I follow Tristan to the other side of the room.
I can't really see his expression but it’s obvious he’s reluctant to tell me for whatever reason.
Unlike him...I knew how to respect personal boundaries.
“Sorry. You don't have to tell me. It's none of my business...” I start to say.
“My mom was sick. She had cancer. I used to help take care of her. She died a long time ago though.”
His statement tugs at my heartstrings.
“I'm really sorry to hear that. For what it's worth I'm sure she appreciated all that you did. How old were you when she passed?"
I can't help myself...I feet the sudden urge to find out all I can about him.
Besides it's not like there’s much else to do at this point. Mr. Blake is stable and we’re in the middle of a blackout.
to mention the fact that he mandated me to stay in this room with him.
“I was 17. I left Texas about a year or so after and never looked back. What about you? What's your story? Are you close with your parents?"
Maybe this conversation wasn't such a good idea after all.
“Nope. They died when I was a baby. I never knew them,” I answer.
It wasn't a complete lie. For all I knew they could be dead.
“That's awful. I'm sorry. So, who raised you?” he asks, the concern very apparent in his tone now.
I had no choice but to lie.
“My grandparents. They were great. I had an awesome childhood, so there's really no need to be sorry.”
“What made you decide to become a nurse?”
This question was easy at least.
“I wanted to help people and take care of them.”
I hold my breath as his finger skims my cheek.
“What is your name?” he asks as he takes another step forward, closing the space between us.
I guess there really was no point in keeping it from him any longer. Besides, he probably knows it by now anyway.
“My name is Devonna. Well...Dev,” I reply nervously.
“Devonna...” he whispers as he tilts my chin up.
I hated my full name, but the sound of it coming from his lips give me goosebumps.
His lips are only a centimeter away from mine now.
I knew what was going to happen.
I just didn't know what I was going to do about it.
Something about him make me feel both powerless and powerful at the same damn time.
Something about him make me feel...period.
I hold my breath, close my eyes and prepare myself for the inevitable.
He softly brushes his lips against mine.
The spark between us was enough to make me tremble.
The spark between us was enough to send the power back on.
Chapter 5
I quickly push him off of me and run back to Mr. Blake's bedside.
He actually appears to be doing better now then before the blackout.
The man is obviously a fighter.
I try to hide my embarrassment. “I'm going back to my unit Tristan. I think it’s for the best. Especially since the power is back on. I'm sorry about my lack of professionalism earlier. It won't happen again,” I say curtly before sprinting out of the room.
Fortunately, he doesn’t chase after me or try and stop me this time.
I know it’s for the best.
I can't believe I almost hooked up with the CEO's son.
What the hell was I thinking?
I finish out the last few hours of my shift and make my way home.
Now that the blizzard had stopped and the plows were out, the roads were much safer.
I make myself a cup of tea and flop into bed.
I was thankful that I had the next day off.
I sure needed it.
With any luck, I wouldn't be seeing or dealing with Tristan ever again.
Hopefully his father would make a full recovery and he would just go back to New York City.
After spending my day off catching up on some much needed rest, I head back to the hospital.
Even on the psych unit, the rumors regarding the CEO of the hospital being a patient were starting to circulate.
Along with the hushed whispers from all the females about how good looking the CEO's son was.
I bury my head in my work and try my hardest not to pay attention.
I don't need the distraction.
Besides, Tristan was probably off canoodling with some other woman right about now.
I know his type. It’s clear as day.
Oddly enough, I still found myself feeling grateful for my chance encounter with him.
I wasn't on autopilot around him.
I felt things. I responded to him.
That's also why I needed to avoid him like the plague.
There's no way I could just have a one night stand with him.
I would want more. I wouldn't be able to help myself.
I knew it. I felt it.
I wouldn't be able to disconnect with him like past lovers.
I would only be setting myself up for heartache.
I finish my shift and make my way up the 20 flights of stairs leading to the rooftop.
I needed the air. I needed to think. I needed to be alone.
I walk to the ledge and lean against it.
I had no thoughts of jumping this time.
I enjoyed the view though. It’s spectacular...especially at night.
It feels like you could see forever from here.
I climb on the ledge, swing my legs around and sit.
I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't even hear the door to the rooftop open behind me.
“I guess I should be grateful that you're sitting and not standing this time, huh?” Tristan's voice calls out to me.
I roll my eyes and stay silent.
I needed to find another thinking spot if he was going to become a permanent fixture around here.
I half expected him to join me...but he stayed back.
I could smell the smoke from his recently lit cigarette.
“Terrible habit,” I mock.
I hear him laugh softly.
“I actually came up here looking for you,” he says as I hear his footsteps approach.
That didn't make any sense.
“I wanted to say goodbye. My father is being discharged tomorrow. He woke up after you left the other night."
I smile. That was good news.
“That's great. Why don't you sound too happy about it?” I ask as I tilt my head to look at him.
He shifts uncomfortably. “Can you get down from the ledge Dev? It's icy. You could slip and fall,” he says.
That's when it hit me.
“You're scared of heights...aren't you?”
“I'm not scared of anything. I just don't particularly like heights all that much. Now, can you get down?" he asks, his tone even more persistent now.
Reluctantly, I hop down from the ledge.
He take a step toward me before he speaks again. “You know, I've been doing a lot of thinking about what you said the other night. About not knowing who you are...needing to find yourself. I think you should come to New York. There's a lot to discover about yourself there. I think it will be good for you."
He couldn't be serious. His suggestion was…eerie.
I knew for a fact that there was a lot to discover about myself in New York. Which was exactly why I could never go there.
I need to deflect this conversation, before I ended up telling him things that would change everything.
“You're nuts. I can't move to New York. Especially for some guy who I hardly even know.”
“I don't mean that you should move there for me. That would be absurd. I was just offering some advice. I wasn't trying to imply that you should move there with hopes of being with me...that's for damn sure," he barks, his tone clearly agitated.
Now, I felt like a moron. At least my intuition was spot on when it came to him.
Turns out he didn't want me in that way after all.
At least, no more then a single night.
All the more reason to just say goodbye.
“Look, I appreciate the advice, but there's no way I would move there…ever. It's not for me. It was really nice meeting you Tristan. I wish you the best. Have a nice life," I say, hurrying past him.
He grabs my hand as I reach for the door.
“My name is Dev,” I grit through my teeth.
He gives me a sexy smirk.
“Don't go yet...Dev,” he whispers as he pushes me up against the wall.
“Don't Tristan,” I breathe.
His gorgeous blue eyes search m
ine as he cups my face in his hands. “Don't what?”
Did I really need to spell it out for him?
“You know what I mean Tristan.”
“I don't want things to end like this between us Dev...” he pauses and leans in closer to me.
My heart feels like it’s about to beat right out of my chest.
“Spend the night with me,” he finishes, before he presses his lips to mine.
Oh fuck.
He doesn't just kiss me. He engulfs me.
I reach up and grab his hair as he parts my lips.
His tongue dances with mine as he lets out a low groan.
I press myself against him and moan as his hands skim along my waist.
I feel myself become dizzy. Hell, I’m downright drunk off of him.
Then...I have a brief moment of clarity through the fog.
All of my suspicions regarding him were confirmed with a single kiss.
I wanted more. I needed more.
Much more then just one night.
So much more then what he could give me.
I reach for the doorknob with one hand, and push him off of me with the other.
“I'm sorry Tristan. I can't do this. Just go back to New York, please,” I stammer as I fling myself out the door.
I hear him call my name in the distance, but I knew I couldn't turn back.
I fly down the stairs as fast as my legs can carry me.
I don't stop running until I reach my apartment.
Chapter 6
When I arrive at work the next day I make sure that Mr. Blake is in fact, discharged.
There was no sign of Tristan.
Tristan seemed to disappear from my life just as quickly as he entered.
I was relieved as well as conflicted.
I knew I made the right decision.
I couldn't stop thinking about New York though.